Welcome everyone to

Elizabeth's bedroom!!!


This will be my new web page, or maybe something like that, here I will post whatever the **** I want, or not, I dunno, we'll see, one of my favorite sites is this one

my favorite things are:

We can be frenz, if you want to, you just need to talk to me through this link

30.07.xx24. 3:05 am. This is my first entry in this thing, I don't know how long I will be able to keep it updated, but I hope it's until I die, and I hope to make it pretty, make it something like me and not just something with a white background. Elizabeth is my name. It was not chosen by my parents, but by me, when I was 20, as of now my mom calls me by it. I'm currently 21 and I'm studying English Pedagogy. Love you, whoever is reading this

31.07.xx24. 17:31. Today, I had to wake up early to get my brother to an MRI, get a check for my mom and some blood tests for myself. Everything but my blood test went fine, I had gone so long without eating, I wouldn't be able to get accurate blood tests, since they were of 6, 8 and 9 fasting hours, and I had gone more than 12 by then. So, to cut our losses short, we bought a foot long and just went to my mom's office. Just less than an hour ago, an old man I was talking to to get a room to live in ConcepciĆ³n close to my uni told me a room had just gone free, so that's a big relief. I can't say it has been a bad day so far, I even bought a chandelle, so I'm pretty good today, I only have to clean the dishes now, which is something that I don't really enjoy, but I think I will be able to pull through. Tomorrow or maybe today later I will look up how to improve my page, I don't want it to keep looking like this. It's functional, sure, but I don't want my personal corner of the internet to be so...desolate. It doesn't look like me, and I want it to. Ellie out.

Here's what I look like (not really)